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单词 motor car 例句大全,用单词motor car造句:

The Caravan was Motor Trend magazine s Car of the Year for 1996.
If you meet with a car accident, your motor insurance will cover.
如果您发生车祸, 您的汽车保险将补偿。
Dynamic Performance Analysis on Motor Car of New Type Metro Vehicle
The experimental car certainly stole the limelight at the motor show.
But electric motor of his car was too powerful and it burned out a fuse.
但他汽车的电动马达功率太大了, 烧断了一根保险丝。
I had to go early'cos it's a bastard to get your motor out of the car park.
Specialise in car exhaust pipe and car windscreen service, car motor sport.
专修理汽车排气管, 汽车大镜与改装车。
Rad, m bicycle and motor car make in shanghai go to every part of the country.
An Analysis on Driving System for High Speed Motor Car Bogies with Cardan Shaft
Go this way about ten minutes. When you see a motor car advertisement, turn left.
Research on Cracking in the Hanger Adapter for the Bogie Frame Motor on Urban Motor Car
Coil car motor for Uncoiler equipment is requested to use AC variable frequency control.
Still have other many meters of shortest electric motor car alarm charge sway effective.
Ride chief executive officer's adult and sorcery evil spirit of motor car hurricane to also know.
SSC Ultimate Aero, an electric car, is the version of sports car with electric motor producing 498 horsepower.
Jin Duo Yuan Motor Vehicle Service Company is a professional company in business car use, on which we have abundant experience.
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单词 motor car 释义



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