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单词 move into 例句大全,用单词move into造句:

Can I borrow some money so we can move into an apartment and buy a new Mustang convertible?
The moment you move into Gemdale Plaza, a brand new space is spreading out in front of you.
当您入住金地中心的那一刻, 一个崭新的空间正在向您展开。
The right ventricle uses the pulmonary valve to help move blood into the pulmonary arteries.
Next, osteoblasts move in and produce bone cells, transforming the callus into a bone callus.
下一步, 造骨细胞进入并产生骨骼细胞, 把痂变成骨痂。
Others fear that women's move into the paid labour force can come at the expense of children.
Why does he move so slowly and have to be escorted down into the valley floor by an attendant?
为什么他行动迟缓 而且必须要由人带着他 到山谷下呢?
He tried to steer her into the bedroom, but she understood his intentions and refused to move.
The company is breaking even now,and excepting to move into profit within the next two months.
An aggressive move into book publishing will likely enhance and consolidate the companys power.
The defeated candidate gave up power and made way for Ghana to move into a new democratic cycle.
失败的候选人 放弃职权 加纳踏入新的民主进程
Let us move on and step out boldly, though it be into the night, and we can scarcely see the way.
To avoid breathing in poisonous gas, they didn't move into the newly decorated house immediately.
If you were to move your family into his house, he wont try to stop you. he cant say boo to a goose!
He will have been left in no doubt that this move into the public eye could be a difficult transition.
他无疑明白, 走入公众视线可能是一个艰难的转变。
Employers in the sex industry can also advertise in job centres, a move that came into force this month.
Returned Overseas Chinese Farm Workers Say Good Bye to Old Dangerous Houses and Happily Move into New Ones
The company is looking to expand internationally, although it has no plans to move into the United States.
The immaculately drawn images and historical accuracy permit the artist to move into the realm of the improbable.
精细的刻画, 准确的历史细节使画家徜徉于虚幻的国度。
rather, it is to expose our faulty beliefs so we will abandon them and move deeper into our relationship with him.
Move into the a week of bridal chamber, son, daughterinlaw appears in succession giddy, disgusting wait for a symptom.
在商会中, 你的付出总会得到回报。
In this category, we move into the auditory section of our graphic design learning experience with some selected podcasts.
在这部分, 我们选择了一些图形设计方面的音频文件。
When pulled to tremble to move an empty bamboo, each pronounced in the meantime, high male, the voice went into cloud form.
The cilia move the bacteria out of the nose into the throat passage where they are swallowed and disposed of in the stomach.
And because the electrons in the metal phases can move freely among the atoms, the precious metal atoms entering into the metal phase can cause the system free energy decreased.
Anyone know if SNU’s dorms have a curfew? I don’t wanna move into the dorms if I have to be home early every night. I’d rather cough up some extra money and live in a studio.
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单词 move into 释义

  • 单词释义:搬进…;移入…;搬家;迁入新居  [更多..]



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