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单词 move out 例句大全,用单词move out造句:

People may need to move out of their usual District in order to make a fresh start.
Diagram 1 shows us Black to move. The Pawn can advance out of danger from the Bishop.
Sick and not spit out, body weakness, not want to move, feeling the body was emptied.
想吐又吐不出来, 四肢无力, 不想动, 感觉身体被掏空了。
ROBERT HALL As the yacht crews move in, canny Cowes residents have already moved out.
A cyclist glancing round is a signal to you that he may be going to move out or turn.
Blink Teleports the Warden a short distance, allowing her to move in and out of combat.
The chemistry teacher in me just needed to get that out of my system before we move on.
身為化學老師的我必須發洩一下 才能繼續講課
Burton Malkiel Foreign money can move quite rapidly into and out of different countries.
Canberra Rules Out Legal Move to Stop Singapore from Executing Australian Drug Trafficker
The moment you move into Gemdale Plaza, a brand new space is spreading out in front of you.
当您入住金地中心的那一刻, 一个崭新的空间正在向您展开。
But I was trembling so badly that it shook the knife out of my skin, and I could move again.
我使劲地发抖, 以至于那把刀掉下去了, 我又可以动了。
Displaced communities are forced to move out when their homestead is acquired by the project.
在其家宅被有关项目买下时, 流离失所的群体被迫迁出。
If you do not damage the apartment, you will get your security deposit back when you move out.
GM was able to move out of bankruptcy bankruptcy more quickly than analysts analysts predicted.
Jennifer believes she will move out on her own when she is financially able to support herself.
Let us move on and step out boldly, though it be into the night, and we can scarcely see the way.
Otherwise, he might as well move out of the White House, and hand the keys over to the Tea Party.
不然, 他还不如从白宫搬出去, 将大权交给茶会党。
Turn around. Move out of the cage. Go to your left and pick up your clothes and Bible. Next man up!
And so he took out some of the screws, and immediately the robot dropped dead and could not move anymore.
This instinct to move on is an admirable reflex that has jerked America out of the doldrums many times before.
Not only neighbors to look askance at right, residents also insist that the deadline to move out of volunteers.
不仅邻居们侧目以对, 居委会也坚决要求志愿者们限期搬离。
If you want to move toward serenity, you will be required to move out of the complaining phase of its not fair.
要想寻求心灵的平静, 你必须摆脱抱怨世道不公的心态。
Momentary fatigue, I would say, and move out before the footlights, forcing the gaiety that the audience awaited.
然后就又站上舞台, 呈现给观众们期待已久的奢华演出。
The division was strung out in long convoys that were struggling to move at speed over the atrocious Russian road network.
The cilia move the bacteria out of the nose into the throat passage where they are swallowed and disposed of in the stomach.
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单词 move out 释义

  • 单词释义:迁出; 搬出;出发; 开始旅行  [更多..]



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