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单词 move in 例句大全,用单词move in造句:

The move overturns a ban put in place by President Bush in 1991. Kim Ghattas has more.
Block tectonics implies that blocks of the solid earth move in relation to each other.
Blink Teleports the Warden a short distance, allowing her to move in and out of combat.
In case of a major military move the offender would stand in violation of the agreement.
Some companies have already raised their prices in anticipation of the move in iron ore.
一些企业基于铁矿石价格预期的上涨, 已经提价。
Agricultural structural adjustment is not things, accomplish in one move impossibly also.
I wish to move up to higher positions with acquisition of more experiences in the future.
Move the ball with the mouse or let the simulation move the ball in four types of motion.
用滑鼠移动球, 或者让模拟在四类运动中移动球。
Mr Hague said the move was in accordance with the UN Security Council resolution on Libya.
There are moments when the dancers move in unisonwhich creates a very powerful atmosphere.
Both camps are deathly afraid to do either, fearing a massive move in the wrong direction.
Your back aches and you have a cramp in the leg, you cant move your shoulder and neck freely.
腰酸背痛腿抽筋, 肩僵椎脱脖子缩。
Next, osteoblasts move in and produce bone cells, transforming the callus into a bone callus.
下一步, 造骨细胞进入并产生骨骼细胞, 把痂变成骨痂。
When disaster strikes,the UN operational agencies swiftly move in to help the affected population.
His family is forced to abandon their home in Kiev and move to the coast in the east of the country.
Sueding rollers cross reciprocally and move in the axial direction to minimize the lengthwise streaky.
Browse by Date allows you to move through a list of all items in DSpace in reverse chronological order.
Employers in the sex industry can also advertise in job centres, a move that came into force this month.
Buckwheat hulls are flat beans that slide around and adjust in the pillowcase as you move in your sleep.
In December, Tule and the Jin army fought at Dengzhou and was forced to abandon Dengzhou to move northwards.
In fact, that such a move was sure to generate controversy probably contributed to Abbotts decision to pursue it.
Sit in the transparent ball carapace of pensile move, human body appears magic kind of ground in suspension in air.
坐在悬挂着的透明球壳里, 人体似乎魔术般地悬浮在空气中。
The friendly banter indicated that with the peace in Vietnam signed, China could accelerate its move toward us without embarrassment.
Move forward and manage the tax in accordance with the law actively, in order to contain the malignant tax revenue competition effectively.
From now on the tendency of adjustment for cotton distribution in China will besouthern cotton plantations,move to North,upland cotton plantations move to lowlands.
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