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单词 move down 例句大全,用单词move down造句:

Power down before you move around to be extra careful.
Move the caret down one page, extending the selection.
将插入符号下移一页, 扩展选定范围。
Bonnet tendency to move up or down as pressure changes.
Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move.
人这一辈子, 有时就得靠一次疯狂的举动才能扭转乾坤。
When they fail their English exams they move down a year.
It was an astute move to sell just before prices went down.
Move the strap up or down to its most comfortable position.
Use the buttons to move items up or down or to delete items.
可使用按钮上移, 下移或者删除项。
To sway, move up and down, or droop, as flowers in the wind.
Scrolling up means the cursor and text move down the screen.
Hold down the mouse button and drag mouse to move the margin.
Move the caret down one line, extending the column selection.
将插入符号下移一行, 扩展列的选定范围。
Your life goes down bit by bit over time, and you move slower.
你的生命值慢慢减小, 并且你移动变慢。
Manually move the sewing machine needle down into the chiffon.
Move down, there, cried the liftman. There is room for twenty.
往里走, 电梯管理人喊着说够容纳20位呢。
Turn to the left a bit, move the right a bit, leg up, head down
If I changed departments I'd probably have to move down a grade.
An insect's versatile antennae can move up and down or laterally.
After that bad chess move, he will be down for the count for sure.
走了那一步臭棋后, 他输定了。
But we must move quickly to disrupt all communications down there.
They can turn at right angles or move straight up or straight down.
Billiard down for the game using the mouse to move around the blocks.
Will you please move down further back there? Let more people get on.
请大家往后走, 让下面乘客上车。
Click the up and down arrow keys to move the menu item within the menu.
单击向上键和向下键, 在菜单内移动菜单项。
If you were to move your chair a bit to the right we could all sit down.
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单词 move down 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)降级;在(车)中向里走  [更多..]



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