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单词 Mucous membrane 例句大全,用单词Mucous membrane造句:

An infected mucous membrane, especially of the tongue, nose and larynx, commonly becomes ulcerated.
Observation on efficacy of Irgasan GERMICIDAL DETERGENT in disinfection of skin and mucous membrane
Clinical observation on application of urethral mucous membrane analgesic in urethral catheterization
Analysis of pathologic changes in mucous membrane of gallbladder in patients with lithic cholecystitis
The mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelid and the exposed surface of the eyeball.
The blood vessels of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and sinus paranasales in the equine family
Contract the mucous membrane disease such as blaze of recrudescent sex aphtha, oral cavity when you when.
Bacterial conjunctivitis is a microbial infection involving the mucous membrane on the surface of the eye.
Essence of life mounds reach its on face of around mucous membrane, sporadic prostate excretes tubal mouth.
精阜及其附近粘膜面上, 有散在的前列腺排泄管开口。
The food and drinks, overheating after eating will directly burns or stimulates gastric mucous membrane of.
The status of hydration should be estimated by examination of skin turgor and moisture of the mucous membrane.
Skin mucous membrane Not yellow dyes, drafts without the hemorrhage, does not have ulcer, and the spider drafts.
皮肤粘膜无黄染, 无出血征, 无溃疡, 及蜘蛛征。
Haemorrhage is caused by mucous membrane debaucjed more, erosion sex pathological change sends canceration easily.
stomach mucous membrane becomes weak Show reddish, ash to fizzle out, the person that weigh is shown ashen or bice.
胃粘膜颜色变淡呈淡红, 灰黄, 重者呈灰白或灰蓝色。
Microwave burning under endoscope is an effective, easy and cheap cure method for stomach mucous membrane prolapse.
mucous membrane lining the gastrointestinal tract tissue damage, occur more frequently in the stomach and duodenum.
黏膜衬里胃肠道组织损伤, 更经常发生在胃和十二指肠。
The receptor for bovine rotavirus has existed on the cell surface of the tracheal mucous membrane of neonatal bovine.
Also used to midsection, mucous membrane, birth canal and equipment disinfectant in the livestock process of operation.
Spot of oral cavity mucous membrane is not shown mostly, can see oral cavity mucous membrane only coarse, hyperaemia.
Conclusion discusses hyperemia of dropsy the friendly oral cavity mucous membrane, the promotion soaks the sore to heal.
Amylaceous sex material and rare starch are papered or Yi Youbao protects pair of mucous membrane such as rice water action.
Chronic what drug should sinusitis of stomach of sex of simple table debaucjed and prolapse of gastric mucous membrane take.
Focusing on the appliance of medical psychology in treating the illness of the mucous membrane of oral cavity and tooth disease
What protective screen of gastric mucous membrane includes gastric antrum appearance is mucous with mucous membrane epithelial.
A small band or fold of mucous membrane forming the posterior margin of the vulva and connecting the posterior ends of the labia majora.
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