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单词 number system 例句大全,用单词number system造句:

A system consists of a finite number of resources to be distributed among a number of competing processes.
一个系统有有限的资源构成, 而多个进程竞争使用资源。
System has detected a number of active spyware applications that may impact the performance of your computer.
It is one of the important contents in the ordering system of computer to search address through operating number.
However, a participant took the view that the number of seats should dovetail with the future constitutional system.
The Fixed Points and Fractal in the Discrete Dynamic System with Variable Parameter for Negative Integer Index Number
There are a large number of penalties of deprivation of qualification existing beyond system of penalty in our country.
That machine adopts the high magnification optics the diagraph the system, the eyes drum round is a to read the number.
The Research of Harmonizing Development and Application for Identity Discrepancy Contrary System Based on Connection Number
I think your disbelief that India contributed so much to human civilization, i. e. the numeral system, the number zero, etc.
The Design and Application of Stake Number System for the Project of Diverting Water from the Yellow River to Shanxi Province
Index number for atmospheric pollution Confidence Bounds on the Reliability of Parallel System Tested with Fixed Number of Failures
The number of Aboriginal women who come into contact with the correctional system is disproportionate to their representation in the general population.
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单词 number system 释义

  • 单词释义:数系; 记数法,数制,数目系统  [更多..]



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