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单词 number service 例句大全,用单词number service造句:

It is also proposed to decrease the total number of posts in the General Service category by three to116.
As a consequence, a great number of this strapped people end up using the services of a payday loan service.
Last year, the total number of times a firearm was discharged by all the AFOs in the service was just two.
That number is in stark contrast with the 4, 484 US service members who died during that same window of time.
这与美兵同期阵亡数 4486人形成强烈反差
Where applicable the service contract number and contact point for the supply of commissioning spare parts shall be listed.
Shanghai Huashan Mountain hospital dermatological department special procurement outpatient service registration fee number ?
Service trade has developed steadily, and the number of inbound tourist arrivals and our foreign exchange earnings from tourism increased considerably.
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单词 number service 释义



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