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单词 noise standard 例句大全,用单词noise standard造句:

Standard of noise at boundary of industrial enterprises.
They'll make noise about creating a true standard, but it won't happen.
Standard noise wall systems will be used, with precast components preferred.
将使用标准噪声壁系统, 首选预制构件。
The noise in production has reached relevant environmental protection standard.
The noise and waste gas emission all conform to the permissible data specified in national standard.
This formula has been applied to determine the available noise temperature of the thermal noise standard source.
A Noise Emission Label will be issued if EPD is satisfied that the relevant noise emission standard has been complied with.
若环保署信纳有关设备的噪音合乎标准, 便会签发噪音标签。
Noise scale factor is introduced and used to describe and process the standard deviation of photoelectrons of photodetector.
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