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单词 No Longer Needed 例句大全,用单词No Longer Needed造句:

This attribute is no longer needed.
The country no longer needed to ration food.
And she was barefoot. She no longer needed the shoe!
We cast aside many thing when they are no longer needed.
当许多东西不能再用时, 我们便把它们扔到一边。
What is no longer needed to the crystalline form is expelled as mucous.
This is the time to identify the capabilities that are no longer needed.
The scaffold dissolves after a few months, when it is no longer needed.
If the metadata of the runs are no longer needed, you can delete them as well.
如果不再需要运行的元数据, 也可将其删除。
Your position in the company is redundant, or no longer needed by the company.
One way to clear working memory is to delete data blocks that are no longer needed.
It must have seemed the logical place to abandon the trains which were no longer needed.
He realized he no longer needed to look beyond the corporeal world in order to find the divine.
他领悟到自己不再需要 超越肉体世界,才能追寻神圣。
We must be willing to change, adapt to new situations and relinquish tasks that are no longer needed.
The density and load of sports class were obsolete, and were no longer needed in teaching nowadays, etc.
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单词 No Longer Needed 释义

  • 单词释义:没有更长的需要  [更多..]



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