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单词 maintained 例句大全,用单词maintained造句:

But Chiang then decided to retain Stilwell, as long as he maintained the current level of lendlease aid.
The gross annual value and consumption value jumped to the top in the world and maintained for many years.
Evidence likely to be used for judicial or administrative hearings should be secured and custody maintained.
Investments in debt obligations usually are maintained in the accounts at cost until they are sold or mature.
I agree to have the TRCs maintained in scripless form in an account held with Commissioner of Inland Revenue.
It is the contractors responsibility to ensure that all tolerances are maintained within the prescribed bands.
Bona fide doctrine is the basis of legal theory on which business credibility is maintained by commercial law.
Current accounts should always be maintained in credit unless overdraft arrangements have been previously made.
As long as proper written accounts are maintained, everyone can be paid back when the band begins to make money.
If the bid inviting party has set a reserve price, the confidentiality of the reserve price shall be maintained.
招标人设有标底得, 标底必须保密。
Subsidiary account An account maintained in a separate record and controlled by an account in the general ledger.
The caustic soda plant in Hengyang, the Hunan province acquired last September was maintained at full utilization.
而去年九月在湖南衡阳收购的烧厂, 亦一直维持全面生产。
The anesthesia was maintained with appropriate concentration of sevoflurane, intermittent fentanyl and vecuronium.
以芬太尼, 维库溴铵和七氟醚维持麻醉。
Ensure the banquet store room is kept tidy trays, tables, chairs, skirting etc is maintained in an orderly fashion.
Responsible for that correct information is reported and that this information is maintained to achieve zero mistakes.
Position face mask or nasal mask tightly and adjust head strap until seal is maintained and client is able to tolerate.
Flexibility should be maintained in order to make adjustments for the possible absence of a member for an entire session.
An upward force is maintained until it is apparent that the mobile ridge is just beginning to have pressure applied to it.
取模时持续向上用力, 直至能明显感到可动组织的阻力。
This article mostly assumes there are no children parental rights must be maintained unless it is dangerous to the children.
Document equipment maintenance, repairs and adjustments to ensure accurate and reliable machine work histories are maintained.
The reserve force and militia are maintained at an appropriate scale, with an optimized structure and an enhanced level of training.
预备役部队和民兵保持适度规模, 优化结构, 提高训练水平。
The respondent was of the view that the appellant, the appellant infringement is justified, the decision is correct, should be maintained.
被上诉人答辩认为, 上诉人侵权成立, 原判正确, 应当维持。
The Chemical Engineering Faculty Directory is maintained by Steve Swinnea at the University of Texas at Austin Department of Chemical Engineering.
If the addition or correction is made and the application form returned to the Trademark Bureau within the time limit, the date of application shall be maintained.
Poverty of the State exchequer causes an army to be maintained by contributions from a distance. Contributing to maintain an army at a distance causes the people to be impoverished.
国之贫于师者远输, 远输则百姓贫。

单词 maintained 释义

  • 单词释义:保持( maintain的过去式和过去分词 );保养;坚持;保卫  [更多..]



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