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单词 machine washable 例句大全,用单词machine washable造句:

Pad with removable and machine washable cover easy to keep clean.
含椅子垫套, 可拆卸, 机洗。
Crepe de chine fabric has the appearance and feel of silk, but is machine washable!
Perfect for projects requiring soft, machine washable, soil and wrinkle resistant fabric.
为需要柔软, 机洗, 土壤和抗皱面料项目完美。
The collar stretches to fit just about every bottle neck out there machine washable to boot.
衣领延伸, 这款滴灌领可以适应大多得瓶颈, 也可以机洗。
Evaluation of the performance of machine washable and drycleanable bedcoverings and accessories
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单词 machine washable 释义

  • 单词释义:〔衣服〕可机洗的  [更多..]



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