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单词 main board 例句大全,用单词main board造句:

Superior main control board LT.
Modification Plan of Input Processor Main Board
It communicates with the main board by a serial line.
In the main operating board, Ship Plate and seamless tube.
They added these circuit boards to the computer main board.
I'll that notice board near the main entrance all that sort of thing.
Youliang tune the main plate, Adagio, lubrication plate, cutting board.
Finally the assembled main body is reassembled with the back ground board.
Main uses for Innersole in and leather shoes, the board of briefcase and suitcase.
Under this option, GEM would be merged into the Main Board to form a single board.
在此方案下, 创业板会并进主板而成为单一板块。
There is main, auxiliary engine fresh water high temperature alarm device on board.
本船设有主, 辅机淡水高温报警装置。
If you board the main peak of the old Buddha head is on your body and spirit experience.
Actually, main shareholder of You and board of directors are to have those who sell intent.
实际上, 华友的主要股东和董事会是有出售意向的。
The main board of the utility model is not easy to generate bad connection of memory chips.
Main products include linerboard, high performance corrugating medium and coated duplex board.
集团主要产品包括卡纸, 高强瓦楞芯纸及涂布灰底白板纸。
The device on the vehicle is composed of power, sensor board, the main board and communication board.
The rack uses the channel steel to take the main body, the middle with stiffener board welded together.
机架采用槽钢作为主梁, 中间加加强筋板焊接而成。
Jiaozhou Bay is a fault basin and the chess board structure has played the main control role in its formation.
The main improvement the substitution of8031 single chip microcomputer for TP801 A single board microcomputer.
The main obstacle had been the extent to which Chinalco would be represented on Rios board of directors, he explained.
他解释道, 中铝能得到几个董事会席位成为主要障碍。
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