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单词 Karlů 例句大全,用单词Karlů造句:

Karl Karlson, Food and Beverage Manager, Regal Kowloon Hotel, visitor.
专门提供有关化学品资料的软件库等, 产品应有尽有。
You were jealous of that girl From the moment karl walked in with her.
从卡尔带着来进来的时候 你就开始吃她的醋。
Purchasing power parity was developed by Swedish economist Karl Cassel.
Karl's relationships with Anthony, Smith and Martin are tenuous at best.
Test Method for Water in Crude Oils by Volumetric Karl Fischer Titration
John Murray on Karl Barth Murray, Commentary on Romans, Vol. 1, appendix.
And how long have you been in love with karl, our enigmatic chief designer
Test Methods for Water in Crude Oils by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration
The delicious food and the new suit made Karl forget all about his toothache.
I must say it was awfully sweet of Karl To give you his grandmother's jewelry.
我很想说,卡尔把他祖母的胸针送给你 真是件甜蜜的事儿。
Floods and landslides resulting from Hurricane Karl only added to the hardship.
It first gives the readers a general review of Karl Marxs theory of alienation.
Karl and I will just go get a couple apple martinis, And we'll come right back.
我和卡尔去拿两杯苹果马蹄尼酒 一会就过来。
Karl, when you put a message on a banner, It ceases to be personal. What does it say?
卡尔,你把想法写在横幅上 就不是私密的事了,你写了什么?
People that was around Karl Malone knew at the end of the day what they had, he added.
马龙身边的人知道他们最后获得了什么, 他最后说。
If Karl finds out, he's gonna come over here And cut your buds off at a 45 degree angle.
如果卡尔发现的话,他会冲过来 从45度角切断你的脖子。
Inspired by the economic theories of Karl Marx, the Bolsheviks sought to smash capitalism.
Having spent years fighting them, Karl could recognize a Russian soldier from a mile away.
Former White House top political adviser Karl Rove is being subpoenaed to appear before Congress.
The other misunderstanding of the political stance of Karl Popper deserves more serious discussion.
Not long after, the two partners went their separate ways and Karl Benz started a company of his own.
不久两个人拆伙, 卡尔。本茨建立了属于自己的公司。
A Comparative Study of Economic Development Theory among Adam Smith, Karl Marx and Joseph Alois Schumpeter
Even before Karl approached, southern Mexico was already contending with one of its wettest seasons on record.
Contrary to Karl Marx, the author of the paper does not think of abstract labor in itself as scalar but as vector.
马克思把抽象劳动看成了标量, 但抽象劳动本身是矢量。
At the tail end of the nineteenth century, the Viennese politician Karl Lueger founded his power base on an anti-semitic platform.

单词 Karlů 释义



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