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单词 Kerns 例句大全,用单词Kerns造句:

Kerns bone holding forceps
Barbara Kerns had had enough of politics and stayed behind at the Wright firm.
芭芭拉。克恩斯对政治感到厌烦, 她选择留在赖特事务所工作。
I was about to strike him again when I was grabbed from behind by Chaplain Kerns.
再要打时, 被随军牧师克恩从身后拽住。
Kerns are Irish light Infantry made up of freemen armed with a javelin and small handweapon.
爱尔兰标枪兵出身自由民阶层, 装备标枪和短柄格斗兵刃。

单词 Kerns 释义

  • 单词释义:[人名] 克恩斯;[地名] [瑞士] 克恩斯  [更多..]



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