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单词 Kdán 例句大全,用单词Kdán造句:

Learning how to breakdance involves a certain amount of preparation.
However, over the years breakdancing has borrowed freely from all types of dances and martial arts.
然而, 多年来一直借用自由街舞从所有类型的舞蹈和武术。
Jojoodo and a castellan of Fort talk about the sword Kakdan delivered to Damdeok.
Practice this breakdancing step with help from a breakdancing expert in this free video clip.
实践中, 这与帮助霹雳一步从霹雳专家在这个自由视频剪辑。
This dance included spins and leg kicks that would eventually turn into breakdancing.
这种舞蹈包含了旋转和踢腿的动作, 最终演变成为霹雳舞。
The trick to freestyle breakdancing is following both the beat and melody of the music.

单词 Kdán 释义



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