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单词 intraocular pressure 例句大全,用单词intraocular pressure造句:

Effect of atracurium and succinylcholine on intraocular pressure in general anaesthesia was observed.
The major complications were elevated intraocular pressure, which was transient, and gas induced lens opacities.
This result is consistent with the conclusion that optic nerve is compressed as the intraocular pressure rising.
Main Outcome Measures Intraocular pressure, phacoemulsification complications, reopen rate of anterior chamber angle.
主要指标眼压, 前房角开放程度, 并发症情况。
Preoperative conventional three point eyes and preoperative hypertonic agents were used to reduce intraocular pressure.
术前三天常规点眼, 术前用高渗剂降低眼压。
The main operation complications were iatrogenic retinal breaks, temporary increase of intraocular pressure and cataract.
Correlation of central corneal thickness and intraocular pressure, refraction and ocular axial length in high myopic eyes
The influence of the central corneal thickness on the intraocular pressure value measured by Goldmann applanation tonometer
Objective To investigate the influences of intraocular pressure examination with excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy.
Effect of the different size of conjunctival flap in the shape of filtration bleb and intraocular pressure after trabeculectomy
Refraction and axial length of the added value are related to intraocular pressure changes in the value of a positive correlation.
Application of releasing aqueous humor of anterior chamber in treating early elevated intraocular pressure after phacoemulsification
Closed-angle glaucoma can cause a rapid buildup of high intraocular pressure that results in permanent visual damage in a couple of days.
Or inchoate make anteroom puncture, amine of acyl of nitrogen of vinegar of Yi Ke profess to convinced in order to reduce intraocular pressure.
或早期作前房穿刺, 亦可口服醋氮酰胺以降低眼压。
The effects of experimental aqueous replacement with various amounts of different perfluorodecalin liquids on the anterior chamber angle and intraocular pressure in rabbits
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