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单词 invest in 例句大全,用单词invest in造句:

Britain says it plans to invest more in's known as nano technology.
英国称, 它将对纳米技术进行更多投资。
But if you invest in education then we'll be able to change Africa.
假如你们投资非洲的教育 我们就有可能改变非洲
Second, do not blindly invest in the stock firmly do not understand.
不盲目投资, 不了解的股票坚决不做。
The only power it could have over you is what belief you invest in it.
Hedge funds keen to make a mark in Asia have also been swift to invest.
We will invest in 2009,the gradual return of these additional proceeds.
The government will invest a large amount of money in building a museum.
In fact, never give your money to someone else to invest on your behalf.
事实上, 决不要把你的钱交给别人替你投资。
Frozen plant of company many invest in, attract consignor thick as hail.
公司大量投资于冷冻设备, 吸引货主纷至沓来。
She decided to invest in a new shirt as a birthday gift for her brother.
她决定买一件新衬衫, 作为送给他哥哥的生日礼物。
My father decide to invest in a new sports shoes as a birthday gift for me.
Invest in yourself. Material things come to those that have self actualized.
往自己身上投资, 功成名就了婚姻自然会来。
If you invest all your money in one hotel, you'llall your eggs in one basket.
要是你把所有的钱都投资在一个宾馆里, 你就是在孤注一掷。
Investment in accordance with the bell, the most worthwhile to invest in bonds.
依照投资钟, 债券最值得投资。
If you just invest in a recumbent bike, you can set the machine to high resistance.
We urgently need to invest like we never have before in becoming developer friendly.
This will provide easier access and more convenience for the public to invest in EFNs.
Schools are opening; entrepreneurs are starting to invest in agriculture and light industry.
His father was not convinced he tried to inspire him and advised not to invest in this company.
他的父亲却心存怀疑, 试图建议他不要向这个公司投资。
The Soviet Union began to invest heavily in the new regime and backed Najibullahs reconciliation strategy.
Invest in quality stocks, bonds and mutual funds, especially those with high yield dividends and interest.
He cannot afford to invest in drip irrigation or sprinkler systems that would lose less water to evaporation.
We should invest more in the development of agriculture infrastructure and in agricultural science and technology.
Foreign businesses should be encouraged to invest in the air transport industry and the general aviation industry.
The maintenance of the pits requires that farmers invest additional time in watching over, deepening and refilling them.
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单词 invest in 释义

  • 单词释义:在…上投资,在…投入(时间、精力等)  [更多..]



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