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单词 in proportion to 例句大全,用单词in proportion to造句:

The angle of toot print is in proportion to highness of the foot arches.
Angulation at the stifle and hock are in proportion to the forequarters.
后膝关节呈合适的角度, 而且飞节与后躯的比例恰当。
You can adjust the equilibration time in proportion to the gradient range.
You should dilute the bleaching agent with water in the proportion of ten to one.
Small in proportion to body and proudly carried, giving an impression of quality.
头部较小, 与身躯的比例恰当, 骄傲地昂着。
In one embodiment, time slots are allocated in proportion to the bandwidth of the channel.
In contrast, only a small proportion of business schools seem to agree that this is the case.
然而, 仅仅有一小部分商业学校同意这个观点。
Children tend to have relatively larger heads than adults in proportion to the rest of their body.
Nowadays advertising costs are no longer in reasonable proportion to the total cost of the product.
In regular education, the state has adopted measures to increase the proportion of female enrollment.
In a pedestal experiment, equivalent intrinsic noise increased in proportion to the depth of amblyopia.
在一个基座实验, 相当于固有噪声比例增加深度弱视。
Tank length, width and height should be allocated in proportion to the appearance of a reasonable appearance.
油箱的长, 宽, 高应按合理比例分配外观美观。
In the document we should explain the proportion of accumulation to consumption,that is,the proportion of investment.
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单词 in proportion to 释义

  • 单词释义:相对于某事物来说,与某事物成比例  [更多..]



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