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单词 information age 例句大全,用单词information age造句:

The advent of the Age of Information brings about bright prospects to TEFL.
The Rockefeller of the Information Age, in business and philanthropy alike.
On the Developing Prospect of Comparative Library Science in Information Age
Today is the age of information explosion, it in hours, minutes, even seconds.
We are in the information age, the computer is beyond the means of sustenance!
我们处于信息时代, 计算机是以后谋生的手段!
Survival Space and Managerial Innovation of Retail Enterprise in Information Age
In the information age, anime has had particularly profound influence upon people's lives.
信息时代, 动漫对人的生活更是产生了深远的影响。
My Opinions on the Continuous Education of the Librarians in the Age of Network Information
It is the information age, to be amended, too much involved, the text will cause confusion.
In the information age, the search engine to search, that means the death of the enterprise.
在信息化时代, 搜索引擎搜不到的企业, 就意味着死亡。
Some people feel that today's electronic information age, the new generation of on akashi can.
有人觉得, 异日是电子陈闻时代, 古板工艺可以换代了。
In the information age, what are the changes in the concept of force and the balance of force?
The Committee welcomes the information that the age of criminal responsibility has been raised.
In particular, it notes the absence of information on the minimum age of criminal responsibility.
To knowingly solicit information from or market to children or young persons under the age of 16.
Deepening and Extension of Graduate Degree Curricula In Information Science in the Information Age
A Study of the Development and Assessment of Teachers'Professional Competence in the Information Age
At the age of information industry revolution, the application of Electronic Business is at high tide.
We have entered a new highly developed information age. Science and technology are developing very rapidly.
我们处在一个瞬息万变的信息时代, 科技的发展在突飞猛进。
The tools of the information age can reinforce, rather than erode, the local character of knowledge systems.
But year old acquiesce is, in information age, science and technology also is to comprise production to want.
Discussion on the subjective initiative of journal editors at colleges and universities in the information age
Mankind has been out of the industry civilization and the prologue of information age has been unfolding gradually.
人类已走出工业文明, 信息时代的序幕正逐渐拉开。
Transformation of the Discourse Right Between Teachers and Students in College English Teaching at the Information Age
Constitution of Physical Capacity in the Information Age Requirements of Landing Operations on Soldier's Physical Capacity
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