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单词 jammed 例句大全,用单词jammed造句:

Even several weeks before the day it became jammed with fighter craft.
The system is easy to be jammed as a result of active positioning mode.
由于其定位过程是有源主动定位, 容易受到干扰。
The driver jammed the brakes on and the passengers were thrown forward.
司机猛踩刹车, 乘客们被摔得向前倾跌。
They jammed into buses provided by the Red Cross and headed for safety.
Applications of Jammed Channels in Cable Digital Television Transmission
Shot in the stomach, he tussled with his assailant, whose pistol jammed.
The bus was jammed against submerged rocks, 130 feet from the river bank.
The toilet cistern at home had jammed and I had to get a new ball cock valve.
Last week, my card was jammed in the ATM and I couldn't get money or the card back.
Burn where a film can be frozen at a chosen frame, as if jammed in a film projector.
If the beeper beeps the reception is jammed or the voltage of the battery is too low.
Jammed drive belts can cause the vibration balancer to overheat and lose its strength.
Scarlett caught up her wide straw bonnet from console table and jammed it on her head.
She got on and stood shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, jammed into the end compartment.
她挤上最后一节车厢, 与其他乘客摩肩接踵地站着。
At the age of twenty, I felt so contented sandwiched in a jammed bus, eating ice cream.
二十岁的时候, 挤在人头攒动的公共大巴上, 吃着甜筒, 挺开心。
He still could not throw any further light on why the elevator could have become jammed.
Thomas hesitated, and then took the slip of paper and jammed it carelessly into his pocket.
They're completely crowded together. They're jammed, they're bashing up against each other.
它们都是笼聚在一起的 像是塞车的车龙 相互摩擦
Protection against risk of foreign bodies being jammed into clearance between steps and skirting
The airport and railroad stations were reported Wednesday to be jammed as residents tried to leave.
During the cold war, the Soviets routinely barrage jammed to interfere with transmissions from the west.
The jammed universal fairleader on poop deck to be freed up, regreased so as to make it work in good order.
This site is jammed with useful facts, from showtimes to shopping, kids stuff to adults-only, as well as daily Vegas news.
I think the reality is that , some. a lots lot of doors that will jammed were ajar for immigrants, especially at a the time when the economy was more boiled.
他说, 2009年的情况不容乐观。
Impressive new highrise buildings lined the streets, which were jammed with buses, trucks, and private cars. People wearing colorful clothing thronged the department stores and bookstores.

单词 jammed 释义

  • 单词释义:机器出故障等无法正常运转;壅塞  [更多..]



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