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单词 jailed 例句大全,用单词jailed造句:

After a High Court jailed them for manslaughter. Manslaughter
杀人, 一般杀人罪, 误杀, 过失杀人
He was jailed in February 1992 and could be released next year.
He was later deported to the UK and jailed for terrorism offences.
随即他被驱逐到英国, 并被灌以恐怖主义罪行入狱。
He has been jailed eight times. Each time, friends bailed him out.
You're arresting a jailed capital murder suspect for a misdemeanor?
Mr. Moi demanded loyalty from citizens and jailed those who dissented.
In Gambia 11 journalists have been jailed for extended periods in 2006.
Two Mainland residents and a Hong Kong woman jailed over bogus marriages
A man who planned to flood Britain with cocaine was jailed for 15 years.
The pig's owner swore to have Cutler jailed, and this almost started a war.
猪得主人发誓要让卡特勒坐班房, 而这几乎引起一场战争。
A former insurance agent was jailed for nine months for cheating commission.
The pig's owner swore to hxdye Cutler jailed, and this almost started a war.
Coppler the most important acts in the United States can be jailed for20 years.
He was jailed for disputing the results in what was considered a rigged election.
Women are not allowed to attend school. You can be jailed for owning a television.
妇女不许上学, 你可能会因为拥有一台电视机而坐牢。
One of these jailed women shares her conversation with her interrogator in prison.
The parties, both personality cults centred on the jailed leaders, are acting tough.
两党都对入狱的领导人搞个人崇拜, 反应强硬。
He was jailed by the apartheid government for his political activities for about 10 years.
The magistrate refused to grant bail pending appeal and ordered that Sze be jailed immediately.
裁判官拒绝给予保释, 等候上诉, 并下令立即将史监禁。
There is a growing suspicion that the men who were jailed for the bombing were in fact innocent.
Obstructive institutions and ministries were crushed or reconfigured crooked party members jailed.
取消或者整顿阻挡改革的机构, 监禁违法乱纪的党员。
His wife was also jailed for four months, suspended for two years, for her role in the false report.
The Unforgettable Days in Shangrao Concentration Camp, where Jailed was Zhao Tianye, An Old Commissioner
The ones who refuse to reform after being jailed and released several times should be severely punished as required by law.
老鸨, 抓了几次不改, 一律依法从重判处。
Prominent solicitor Dixon Tang Kwokwah was jailed for seven years yesterday for the rape and indecent a ault of his domestic helper.
著名律师邓国华强奸和非礼家中菲佣, 昨日被判入狱七年。

单词 jailed 释义

  • 单词释义:监禁,拘留( jail的过去式和过去分词 )  [更多..]



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