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单词 invite for 例句大全,用单词invite for造句:

We are now expanding our purchasing business activities and we invite applicants for the open positions.
When distributing news dispatches up to the reporter, activity of invite applications for a job still afoot.
截至记者发稿时, 招聘活动仍在进行中。
To allow terrorists to grow stronger is to invite worse disasters for us and cause even greater loss of lives.
让恐怖主义分子壮大, 将导致更大的悲剧。
Feel free to invite your 1. 1 billion countrymen over for a visit, but wait until the Marquette Interchange is done.
Gu Ge once regarded the flow of invite applications for a job with expatiatory and low efficiency as a fascia is shown off.
Invite you the essential factor does not look for valuables but mistake time loses picul consequently fleeing for ones life chance.
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