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单词 invoice value 例句大全,用单词invoice value造句:

The duty shall be calculated against the invoice value.
Ll deduct the commission from the invoice value directly.
Identify Single and More Crimes on Value Added Tax Invoice
The duty shall be calculated against the invoice value, sir.
税款将按发票金额计算, 先生。
Only if we can buy them at the three fifths of the invoice value.
If it is a commercial shipment with a commercial value, you will need a commercial invoice.
如果货件属於具商业价值的商业运件, 便需备有商业发票。
We may deduct the commission from the invoice value directly or remit it to you after payment.
We hereby certify that this invoice is true and correct in all particulars including value and origin.
responsible for the companys bill of value added tax invoice, authentication, and monthly copy to tax.
used for payment. Proforma invoice in five originals covering 100 pct of the total contract value used for customers clearance.
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