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单词 irregularly shaped 例句大全,用单词irregularly shaped造句:

Display a dialog box irregularly shaped, very cool, oh!
显示一个形状不规则得对话框, 非常酷哦!
Irregularly shaped brown or blue spots in the nail bed can be melanomas.
Are there a lot of rectangular elements or many irregularly shaped elements
Astigmatism is caused when the cornea is shaped irregularly like a football.
散光是由于角膜时, 外形像一个足球不定期。
Are there a lot of rectangular elements or many irregularly shaped elements.
The camels body, neck and head are made of irregularly shaped baroque pearls.
Ulcers are rounded or irregularly shaped loss of the epidermis plus some portion of the dermis.
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单词 irregularly shaped 释义

  • 单词释义:[医]不规则形状的  [更多..]



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