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单词 laugh off 例句大全,用单词laugh off造句:

Besides trying not to laugh my ass off?
It's so funny that I laugh my head off.
An actor has to learn to laugh off bad reviews.
The girl was brave enough to laugh off her pain.
这姑娘很勇敢, 把痛不当回事。
He tried to laugh off his embarrassing situation.
Yet Mugabe apparently tries to laugh off his global infamy.
There was a laugh which he cut off brusquely with a gesture.
人们发出一阵哄笑, 他做了个手势, 猛然制止了笑声。
Would you also laugh ass off about a 4 year old epileptic child
It was an embarrassing situation, but she managed to laugh it off.
那个场面很尴尬, 可她一笑摆脱了窘境。
The actor made everyone laugh by taking off the members of the royal family.
这个演员模拟王室成员得形象, 逗引人人发笑。
Employees are likely to laugh their tails off at any boss who cites this drivel as inspiration.
Couple of days ago, I told the story about Pa drinking, which I said something wrong and made everybody laugh their heads off.
前几天说了爸爸喝酒时我说错了话, 惹得大家笑。
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单词 laugh off 释义

  • 单词释义:<非正>一笑置之;以笑来驱除[消除];<非正>痛快地笑;以笑声使离开  [更多..]



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