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单词 lay out 例句大全,用单词lay out造句:

My root was spread out by the waters, and the dew lay all night upon my branch.
The empty jar lay on the floor and her lamp had burnt itself out in the corner.
空罐立在地上, 她屋角的灯, 油尽火灭了。
Obama used an old fashioned approach to lay out a new plan to an old adversary.
If can enter your school, I can redouble one's efforts, lay out more good movies.
如果能进入贵校, 我会加倍努力, 拍出更多的好影片。
Pierre went out into the yard, and muffling his head up, lay down in his carriage.
A single image can hold all the image elements needed to decorate or lay out a page.
President Obama is expected to lay out guidelines this morning to overhaul earmarks.
Longer fibres in virgin wood are easier to lay out and fluff up for a softer tissue.
we lay on the ground to grieve, we lay on the ground out of compassion for human life.
我们躺在地上追掉, 我们躺在地上出于对人命的慈悲心。
You may there gallop him to teach him to lay out his body, and to gather up his legs.
Lay out partition walls by snapping chalk lines to mark both sides of the bottom plates.
The dead were placed in a cave cut out of a rock it had shelves to lay out the dead on them.
I lay there stretched out straight and stiff in the dark, my fists clenched hard upon nothing.
我直绷绷地躺在那里, 使劲空攥着拳头。
Pulls out needle canister and put on plane, do not want lay a finger on or besmirch pinhead carefully.
将针筒拔出并放在平面上, 小心不要触碰或弄污针头。
A study of the style of Kizil wall paintings based on their colouring, portraiture, outlining and lay out
Submarine parents would lay out a variety of school lunch supplies and encourage their child to pack his own lunch.
I sent for the sergeant of the platoon both men were in and asked him to try to find out discreetly what lay behind this.
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单词 lay out 释义

  • 单词释义:设计;展示;安排;陈设  [更多..]



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