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单词 land owner 例句大全,用单词land owner造句:

Satan is the enemy of the land owner.
relationship between the land owner and the tenancy
The other common owner who cultivates over common land.
Dispute remains as to who is the legal owner of the land.
The land owner improved his house by renovating the basement.
official delivery of property, especially land, to a new owner
官方的财产让渡, 尤指把土地让渡给新主人
The tenant and the land owner both agreed to renew their lease.
She claimed she was the owner of the land, but her cousin challenged her claim.
她宣称自己为那块地的主人, 但她的堂弟却提出了不同意见。
The real estate agent acted on behalf of the land owner to negotiate the lease.
The accusation of the land owner of unfairness is not grounded on love for justice.
责问园主的公平, 并不是出于对公义的热爱
As he owns no land, he has no choice but to work as a labourer for the owner of the manor.
The authorities shall compensate the owner or user of the land for any losses resulting from the above paragraph.
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