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单词 Lantern Festival 例句大全,用单词Lantern Festival造句:

Dropping a lantern festival dumpling into water makes a boiled dumpling.
这就好似一个元宵, 掉进开水里, 就是煮元宵。
During the Lantern Festival, children go out at night carrying lanterns.
在元宵节时, 小孩会在晚上提著灯笼出去。
In the Han Emperor, has been ordered fifteenth day as the Lantern Festival.
Lantern Festival falls on the day of the first full moon of the lunar year.
Brief Analysis On The Sense Image Of The Lantern Festival Ci In Song Dynasty
Today is the Lantern Festival, why not go to wach the Dragon Dances with us?
今天是灯节, 为什么不跟我们去看舞龙呢?
Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the country.
it is also sometimes referred to as the Lantern Festival or Mooncake Festival.
The time in Lantern Festival, we put to fly the bore clear light on the bridge.
元宵节的时候, 我们在桥上放飞孔明灯。
Ita tradition to solve the puzzles on the lanterns during the Lantern Festival.
The Spring Festival then comes to an end when the Lantern Festival is finished.
On Artistic Value and influence of on the Lantern Festival Poems of Tang Dynasty
It falls on the last day of the lunar year and lasts until the Lantern Festival.
Every show the eve the Lantern Festival in the program, intended to drive demons.
If you want to Lantern Festival in a traditional way, hop on the train to Pinhsi.
您若想过个传统的元宵节, 那就坐上开往平溪的火车。
Hence, the custom of hanging lanterns during the lantern Festival came into being.
After the Spring Festival there is still a festival It is called Lantern Festival.
In picture one, the Lantern Festival is defeated by St. Valentine's Day on an arena.
在图一中, 元宵节在擂台上被情人节打败了。
Although the Lantern Festival, but the memories of still lingers ripples in my heart.
虽然元宵节过去了, 但那美好的回忆仍久久荡漾在我心中。
The main attraction of the Lantern Festival, may no longer have any such connotations.
The Spring Festival lasts till the 15 th of the first lunar month, or the Lantern Festival.
We also keep the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Moon Festival, and others.
Lantern Festival including lion dance, dragon dance, lanterns and other customs of downtown.
Most families spare some fireworks from Spring Festivallet them off in the Lantern Festival.
It is quite popular for Penghu people to play Lantern Riddles Games in the Lantern Festival.
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