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单词 land tax 例句大全,用单词land tax造句:

Schedule to the finance act under which tax is charge on income from land or buildings.
Moreover, the collection management on the land appreciation tax should be standardized.
Different tax rates were applied to different kinds of land according to their fertility.
The Mirrlees review recommended that a land tax should be used to replace business rates.
After the calamity takes place, can relieve in time, reduced or remit the feudal land tax.
在灾害发生以后, 又能及时救济, 减免田赋。
The joint venture will pay the business tax and the land appreciation tax on selling houses.
At the same time, the instrument can see land tax, the actual refers to the household duties.
而同时, 文书所见地税, 实际是指户税。
A Comparison between China and Japan in Land System and Tax in the Initial Stage of Modern Times
The content of taxation in Qing Dynasty consisted in basically poll tax and tax of grain on land.
For instance, the cession of building and land access involves duty of business tax, agree to wait.
The revenue collected from the housing contract tax and land contract tax against the total revenue.
In addition, they were forced to pay innumerable surtaxes, to say nothing of the government land tax.
Their lands were parcelled out among tenants who paid a rent to the proprietor and defrayed the land tax.
Specifically, land acquisition tax can establish the deed tax, inheritance and gift tax of two types of taxes.
5 pairs of schools, kindergartens approved requisition of cultivated land, cultivated land occupation tax exemption.
In short, land tax information construction should proceed from reality, guided by the principle of diversification.
An edict has been issued temporarily abolishing the land tax in Shantung, as the people are unable to pay it owing to the famine.
饥荒使农民无力纳税, 山东已发布法令临时取消田赋。
Do not make mistakes in determining the class status of middle peasants and be fair to them in regard to the land tax and civilian war service.
不要订错中农的成分, 对中农的土地税和战争勤务要公道。
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