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单词 new man 例句大全,用单词new man造句:

How many a man has dated a new era in his life from the reading of a book!
How many a man has dated a new era in his life from the reading of a book.
Bestow upon DaQing Spirit and the Iron Man Spirit a New Cultural Connotation
赋予大庆精神, 铁人精神新的文化内涵
This kind, intelligent young man from New Jersey had just committed suicide.
这位来自新泽西的善良,聪明的年轻人 就这样自杀了。
The archaeologist was in the field gathering new evidence on the Beijing man.
After the old head's retirement, the new succeeding bureau head was a young man
The new president, Franklin Pierce, was a charming man. He made friends easily.
Still later the young man will drive away with his new bride on their honeymoon.
Thus, in order to start a new day, Man ought to nourish himself with his essence.
如此, 为了开始新的一天, 人要用他的基质去滋养自己。
On How Carrying On and Developing DaQing Spirit and the Iron Man Spirit in New Period
The man from whom he borrowed five hundred dollars left New York for London yesterday.
From New York to Cape Town, people are celebrating this extraordinary man, Obama said.
The English man pushes the glass aside with his nose in the air and demands a new drink.
They had to offer their new manager a large salary,but he was a capable man,and paid his way.
The man said he was carrying two New Testament Bibles in his shirt pocket to give to friends.
A New Reflection on the Relationship between Man and Nature in the Age of Environmental Crisis
Even those who welcome the coup fear that the new man may turn out to be just another Mr Conte.
Research on Developing Trend of World Man's Free Exercise of Gymnastics during New Olympic Cycle
A man who is able to review past knowledge and acquire new knowledge is qualified to be a teacher.
The second chapter is the operation of the new rural cooperative medical system of the old man Town.
This is a true story which happened in the States. A man came out of his home to admire his new truck.
The old man was determined, even at his age, to cross the water to see his youngest son in New Zealand.
这位老人不顾年事已高, 决心乘船去见在新西兰的小儿子。
Second, it is the alacrity, vigor, and cheerfulness of the Spirit or new man contending against lust.
As we make progress against the old diseases, the threat in the next century will be the new microbes, natural and man-made.
After a long and weary ascent, tourists will find that bathing in the hotspring can be completely restorative and will make them a new man.
游人倘若登山劳顿, 一浴温汤, 疲劳尽消。
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