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单词 negatives 例句大全,用单词negatives造句:

A few more years passed, however, before Jack dug up the negatives.
然而又过了几年, 杰克才翻出了那些底片。
I can't make you new prints of my photos because I lost the negatives.
我无法加洗我的照片给你, 因为我底片丢了。
Why would a man take a can of photographic negatives on a fishing trip ?
为什么一个出海的钓鱼人要随身携带一筒照相底片? ?
Comparing these Positives and Negatives objectively helps us to move forward.
Extremely low rate of false positives and as few false negatives as possible.
假阳性率非常低, 尽可能少虚假底片。
In Latin, two negatives in the same sentence always amounted to an affirmation.
In Latin, two negatives in the same sentence always amounted to an affirmation.
Patchup Assembling negatives to form a composite image. Synonym with Film makeup.
In the past we have heard only negatives when it came to following a healthy diet.
Color positive emulsions basically perform in the same way that color negatives do.
So, people are comparing the trees for a few reasons and using reasons as negatives.
那么, 人们通过一些负面的理由对技能树进行比较。
The arrangement and size of dots on halftone negatives and positives and printing plates.
This thesis discusses the unmarked construe concerned with modality adverbs and negatives.
However, others believe that the many benefits of this bamboo fabric outweigh the negatives.
The large negatives or slides deliver beautifully detailed images with a very nice tonality.
As a result, Dr Hartung estimates that false positives could outweigh false negatives 75 times over.
最终, 哈尔顿博士估计假阳性将超出假阴性达七十五倍之多。
Go to the plastic folder labeled containing the negatives taken in1999 and find the specific negative.
One of the negatives to earning a high salary is those your marginal tax rate is hight than omit humans.
Note that you can tweak how the error is calculated if you want to punish false positives more than false negatives.
注意你能够调整误差计算, 以给假阳性比假阴性更多的惩罚。
Prepares and photographs copy for reproduction, including retouching of negatives and positives, stripping and assembly.
Positive films will become negatives after cross processing, while negatives will become positives after cross processing
反冲的正片会变为负片, 而反冲的负片则会变为正片。

单词 negatives 释义

  • 单词释义:否定词语( negative的名词复数 );否定的观点;否认  [更多..]



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