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单词 net ball 例句大全,用单词net ball造句:

He the ball the net for Trinidad, but the offside flag was raised.
The ball cannoned off the back of a Spartak defender and into the net.
Airship net of twine, cordage or rope a ball of yarn or cord or thread.
The ball slipped on my bald head and went into the net,a great feeling.
Maradona put the ball in the net, ie scored a goal in a football match.
The ball slipped on my bald head and went into the net, a great feeling.
球落在了我的光头上, 飞进了球网, 感觉太棒了。
The goalkeeper jumped to catch the ball, but the ball went into the net.
如果我是这家俱乐部唯一门将, 我也会是一样的态度。
The object of the game is to score points by putting the ball net basket.
这项运动用手控制球, 比赛得目得是把球投进球篮得分。
and the ball net is connected with the brackets by nylon adherent buckles.
The striker got the ball and quick as a flash it was in the bag of the net.
Clarke could hardly believe his luck as he put the ball into the empty net.
Fisher immediately rose up and released, and the ball dropped through the net.
费舍尔立刻跳起投篮, 球应声入网。
She just tipped the ball over the net. The tennis Ball was hit Back and forth.
I want the ball to bounce over the net, but it always bounced over the defence!
我想把球打过网, 可是球总是飞出护栏!
There are also linesman, ball boys net cord officials, field officials and scorers.
其他还有巡边员, 第四官员和记分员。
He walked up to the penalty spot and struck the ball firmly into the back of the net.
他走到罚球点, 稳稳地把球踢入网内。
Every time when I brandish the racket to hit the ball and watch it flying over the net.
The center forward kicked the ball on the volley, and it flew into the back of the net.
中锋凌空一脚, 球便飞入网底。
The aim of the game is to bounce the ball up the court and shoot the ball into the net.
Ball physics when the ball goes out of bounds or hit the net of the goal haeen improved.
It is a simple Volley Ball game between two players trying to hit the ball over the net.
Caricola is trying to clear the danger only succeeded in putting the ball in his own net.
卡里科拉试图解除威胁, 结果将球攻入了本方网内。
The striker does a fantastic bicycle kick and the ball touches the post and deflects into the net.
The badminton movement is flexible, fast, changeable separates the net to the striking ball games project.
Substitute Ricardo Fernandes lofted the ball over the keeper from 45 yards and skimmed the roof of the net.
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