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单词 NCN 例句大全,用单词NCN造句:

The absorbance value increased with the rise of the alcohol concn. and the increase of the extraction times.
随着乙醇浓度的升高和浸提次数的增加, 吸光度值增加。
The President and CEO of NCNW served as adviser to the United States delegation.
The buyer accepts the price payment terms, and sign and chopped the Drafted contract NCND.
买方接受价格和付款条件, 并签署和约草本和保密协议。
The present payload consists of a lunar EX cursion Module, a Service Module, a Command Module and a Launcn Escape System.
现在得有效载荷包括登月舱, 服务舱, 捍舱和发射逃逸系统。
A conver gnencn criterion on the series of positive
Study on Distincness, Uniformity and Stability of Gladiolus Cultivars
The method of application is dissolve by cold water to different concn.

单词 NCN 释义

  • 单词释义:[医][=National Council of Nurses]全国护士理事会  [更多..]



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