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单词 mobile phone 例句大全,用单词mobile phone造句:

At present mobile edition is the standard platform of new generation mobile phone on the world.
Do not have food or carry cannot switch on the mobile phone to go when beater is not rotational.
Tired of having to remember different numbers for your office phone, fax, pager or mobile phone?
Your mobile phone invades signal system as a result of the hacker, batteries is about to detonate.
Similarly, she started with a paper clip and easily traded it for a mobile phone on the first day.
Mobile phone wolf is to receive one cloudlet colour to be about only the person of flying Apsaras.
Check the authenticity of product through telephone, mobile phone short message and online inquiry.
Cell phone photography documentary function of mobile phone features documentary photography images.
手机摄影的纪实功能, 赋予了手机摄影图像的纪实特性。
Business of these 3 operation basically sells the mobile phone that the operation connects chip high.
International Roaming is your digital mobile phone's passport to travel but the cost of calls is high.
An Elementary Introduction to Marketing and Compiling of Meteorological Short Messages of Mobile Phone
The invention discloses a realizing device and a control method for a standby battery of a mobile phone.
Previous to this, scientific experiments did not show a definite link between mobile phone use and cancer.
Conflict and Restriction of the Mobile Phone Message to Education of Students in Colleges and Universities
Current, microsoft and cereal song begin to contend for again do mobile phone acquiesce to search a provider.
I a moment ago hit sound of clew of your mobile phone to say Dial again later please in streaking to Founder!
But in the past weeks, customers priority has changed, said Reza, a mobile phone seller in Tehrans Big Bazaar.
Emergence of application processor is the outcome of ceaseless innovation and development of mobile phone applications.
Unlike many of its sibling BlackBerry devices, the Pearl looks like a regular mobile phone and does a good job of acting like one.
Thirdly, we discuss the types, characteristics and the importance of destination electronic word of mouth, compare to mobile phone.
In Finland you can also use your mobile phone to make a vending machine give you a Pepsi or a car wash, and put the cost on your phone bill.
In addition to owners of personal computers, anyone with a car, mobile phone, personal digital assistant (P.D.A.) or TV will be connected to the Internet.
Soon, this technology could allow you to make adjustments to your central heating, operate your stereo or check the oil in your car via your mobile phone.
About 20 per cent of Finnish households have also given up on using a landline--extraordinary growth from the five per cent who were mobile phone-only users a year ago.
Within a few years, the mobile phone will evolve into a multi-functional communicator capable of transmitting and receiving not only sound, but also video, still images, data and text.
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