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单词 mixing well 例句大全,用单词mixing well造句:

Mix well all the ingredients except pineapple rings in a mixing bowl.
Therefore, to guarantee that the ink well transport, often mixing monlchamus tsung.
因此, 要保证油墨能良好地传输, 就要经常地搅拌墨斗。
Add the squid and cabbage, mixing well to ensure they are well mixed with the batter.
将切好的卷心菜和乌贼鱼放入面糊, 充分搅匀。
Application of Deep Mixing Piles for Pile wall Lining at Arfificial Scoop out well of Pile
A Lifting Technological Design for Viscosity Break by Mixing Light Hydrocarbon in Hollow Rod in Heavy Oil Well
and adding corresponding proportion of concentrated sulfuric acid, mixing well and obtaining the working electrolyte.
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