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单词 module file 例句大全,用单词module file造句:

Add the code example to the module file.
Please make sure the module language pack file exists.
This file also declares the entry point class for the module.
Convert your Code to ColorCoded HTML Save your module code in a text file.
The module can not initiate because it was not able to access the required file.
由于无法访问所需要得文件, 模块无法初始化。
The context means the function, source file, and module where a variable is located.
上下文指变量所处的函数, 源文件和模块。
You manually place the delimited flat file into a predefined directory that the adapter module polls.
英文例句大全为您提供module file英文例句大全,module file英文造句,关于module file的英语句子,单词module file怎么造句,module file英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于module file,英语单词module file的句子,单词module file如何造句,module file怎么造句等。

单词 module file 释义



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