With that in mind, the following steps represent an overview of the control authoring process.
Reaching the number, he hurried up the steps and did not spare the bell in waking the servant.
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The inauguration of presidents in the January is traditionally held on the steps of the Capitol.
The company finally took three significant steps in 2H10 to break through the resource bottleneck.
These steps are in their totality, I fear, an assault on American principles and on capitalism itself.
In front it will be the mine field. Please watch your steps and pay attention to the signs on the road.
I will keep the Assembly informed regarding the timetable and the steps I shall be taking in this respect.
In addition, the Government has taken steps for the development of livestock breeding and fishery sectors.
Auto shot will be automatically enabled if the Hunter steps out of melee range while in combat with target.
In case the talks fail, we feel that we will have to take certain steps to address the people's desperation.
万一和谈失败, 我们会采取断然措施来满足人民的愿望。
Such a device is in particular capable of implementing the steps of the signature method as described above.
The steps taken by the Government have helped to revitalize agriculture and increase production in the sector.
It was a sort of worship in two steps, with the grand altar for the colonel and the lesser one for Thenardier.
这好象是一种两级的崇拜, 大龛供上校, 小龛供德纳第。
A Generalized Two Steps Biased Estimate of the Parameters in a Class of Seemingly Unrelated Regression Systems
Recently, construction of spot portfolios becomes one of key steps in the futuresspot arbitrage of stock index futures.
She says other steps taken at the same time to improve schools in long beech and statewide could influence the findings.
and how the steps of thinking are affected by lots of interesting variables and variant people, as we'll see in a minute.
和哪些有趣變因會影響思考深度 這部份我們等下就會看到
The General Assembly of the United Nations shall decide upon the steps, in any, to be taken in respect of such a request.
The first step in personalizing a website is often adding a company logo. Perform the following steps to add a company logo
The first step in personalizing a website is often adding a company logo. Perform the following steps to add a company logo.
Interestingly, Goose says both Thailand and Cambodia now indicate they are taking steps to accede to the Convention in the near future.
The international community must, with a greater sense of urgency and responsibility, take solid steps together in the following aspects to achieve common progress.
国际社会应增强紧迫感和责任感, 携手共进, 扎实工作。
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