In junior high school the student may have a limited choice of subjects.
在初级中学里, 学生可以选修一些有限的课程。
When I entered Junior High, there was no question I would be in The Band.
Blink, junior high school career close, and I gradually grew up and more.
眨眼间, 初中生涯渐渐接近尾声, 而我也日渐长大。
He made it his calling card before he was even finished with junior high.
The second time I took a pass in junior high I know I did the right thing.
我第二次开溜是在初中, 我知道, 这回我也处理得当。
In junior high school, Joy's position will depend on her circle of friends.
在初中时, 乔伊的地位将取决于其交友圈子。
Study on Concept Development of Coordinates for Junior High School Students
It's from the Fathers and Sons'Breakfast at my junior high school graduation.
I am presently teaching ESL for grade eight at Maple Leaf junior high school.
From there, students go on to junior high school until eighth or ninth grade.
Status of the Mathematical Communication and Its Analysis in Junior High School
On the Effect of Testing Frequency upon English Teaching in Junior High School.
Guided Reading for Five Year College Students Directly from Junior High Schools.
What's the differential diagnosis for writing G's like a junior high school girl ?
写字像初中女孩的家伙, 能有什么样的诊断水平?
A Talk about the Atmosphere of a School Construction in he Junior High School Class
Mr. Chen Really Wed better nip it in the bud now. Next year shell be in junior high.
The second part is junior high school language knowledge Analysis in new curriculum.
The Ch racteristics of the Function Concept Development of Junior High School Students
English Remedial Instruction and Curriculum Design for Five Junior High School Students
For years, I have played inspired basketball for my junior and senior high school teams.
这些年来, 我一直为初中和高中得校队比赛。
Illustrating the Addendum to Some Mistaken Proposition in Junior High School Mathematics.
With friends she opened an English class in her hometown for junior high school students.
After entering junior high school, the parents of my more stringent academic requirements.
Their son is a junior high school student. His name is David. He goes to school by bicycle.
The Express of the Linear Axiom in Junior High School Mathematics Textbook Should Be Unified
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