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单词 let down 例句大全,用单词let down造句:

Having let down her guard, she now appeared even more stunning than before.
她在放松了戒备的神经以后, 此刻显得光彩袭人。
He let down the whole group, but there always seems to be one rotten apple.
Step 4 Set the car down on a flat surface and let the air out of the balloon.
It is a pity, then, that her scholarship is let down by feeble illustrations.
但遗憾的是, 她的讲解因缺少图解而不尽完美。
Let me examine your abdomen. Lie down on your bak and bend your knees up please.
In your anger do not sin, do not let the sun go down, while you are still angry.
Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway.
Guard your elites! Let them take down the wounded, never let them lead an attack!
Let's get down to discussing the problem. Let's have no digressions for the moment.
When the drama ended, someone especially assigned for the task let down the curtain.
Connect down, the elder brother ambition let all persons who humiliate you, all dead!
接下来, 哥哥会让所有欺负你的人, 都死!
Let's focus our attention on the main problem and not get bogged down in minor issues.
Take it off the flame and pour water on it, or let it cool down, the piston moves down.
Please lie down on the bed, loosen your belt, please. Let the doctor examine you abdomen.
请躺在床上, 松开腰带, 让医生检查您的腹部。
I believe that parents will not let the teacher down, not to let the children disappointed.
我相信各位家长不会让老师失望, 更不会让孩子失望的。
Let me get down some information about your apartment first. What is your property's add re?
让我先记录一些关于你的住宅的资料,请问你的房子在 哪里
Afterwards let cool down the welding areas while still clamped in for as long as recommended.
Even if your partner accommodates you with occasional changes, eventually you'll be let down.
Aspire to the Light and draw it down over your head to your feet. Let the Divine Light Descend.
Oh, come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker for He is our God.
喔, 让我们屈膝敬拜主, 因为祂是创造我们的上帝。
She hasn't let down the teacher's expectations for her and has done very well in this competition.
We have some empty seats in the front of the cabin. I can take out the armrests and let you lie down.
let me serenade your soul when your feeling down and low let the music come alive let s tenderness arrive
You might feel let down today and your first inclination is to fill in the emptiness with additional excitement.
失落感包围了你, 而你的第一直觉是加入更多的激动元素。
This remake was a big let down. It was super violent and gory, but it felt rushed and there was no real plot. If you just wanna see blood and guts and nothing more, give this a watch.
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单词 let down 释义

  • 单词释义:放低; 放下;使失望; 失信  [更多..]



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