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单词 Lemon Grass 例句大全,用单词Lemon Grass造句:

Wok fried chili crab flavored by black pepper and lemon grass
King prawns cooked in spicy sour soup with mushrooms and lemon grass
Lemon grass is good for stomach, promotes urination, prevents anemia and moistens skin.
健胃, 利尿, 防止贫血并滋润肌肤。
In Yangon, formerly Rangoon, the broth is made aromatic with lemon grass, ginger and garlic.
Combine aloe vera, mint leaves and lemon grass water, according to taste, just before serving.
Tasting Notes Brilliant lemon yellow in aspect, with a bouquet of green apple fruit and cut grass.
品酒笔录明亮的柠檬黄色, 有青苹果和割草的气味。
Rrosemary, lemon grass, European verbena and rose can adjust liver function, help elimination of toxicant for endocrine and ease urination.
调节肝功能及内分泌排毒, 利尿。
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