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单词 learning set 例句大全,用单词learning set造句:

He has set to learning English.
I am able to set learning goals.
He set about learning Chinese at age ten.
Set aside a regular time for vocabulary learning.
Rough Set Theory and Learning Method Based on Set Theory
She was set at ease by learning that her husband had been saved.
听说丈夫获救, 这才使她放心了。
Besides, monitor points can be set up in learning process to supervisor and remind user.
同时提供给用户的帮助信息, 也可以以身定制, 更具个性化。
This set of FLASH animations is prepared to support the learning and teaching of Biology.
一定是因为别的事, 在我进生物教室以前发生的事。
Language learning involves motivation, emotion, a sense of self, and a set of cultural beliefs.
They set up many kinds of patriarchal schools, civilian associations and the academies of classical learning.
宗族主要靠兴办族塾, 院和文会等各种类型的学校培养子弟。
Maintaining to Carry out the Glorious Performance of the Communist Party of China and Trying to Set up a learning Socialization
英文例句大全为您提供learning set英文例句大全,learning set英文造句,关于learning set的英语句子,单词learning set怎么造句,learning set英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于learning set,英语单词learning set的句子,单词learning set如何造句,learning set怎么造句等。

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