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单词 Ledr 例句大全,用单词Ledr造句:

Therapeutic effects of radiotherapy combined with zoledronic acid in the treatment of osseous metastatic cancer
Clinical observation of chemoradiotherapy combined with zoledronic acid for the patients with bone metastasis in breast cancer
StyleDry red mediumbodied blackberry aroma and spicy taste.
风格干红, 中度酒体, 黑梅气味, 香料味道。
METHODS Experiments were arranged using uniform design method. Aspirin controlledrelease matrix tablets were prepared.
Mounds of melons and grapes are stacked on the bare wooden planks of muledrawn carts.
The battledress was covered with camouflaged coton drill Denison Smock jump helmet was covered with a net or a grey beret was used.
战斗服是迷彩色的头盔上也有网来防护, 或者佩戴贝雷帽。
Nursing care of zoledronic acid combined chemotherapy for lung cancer patients complicated with osseous metastasis pain
Chinese teledrama.
StyleDry red, fullboied, black currant plum and chocolate characters.
风格干红, 酒体丰满, 李子, 巧克力与黑醋栗味道。
Clinical observation of radiotherapy combined with zoledronic acid in the treatment of metastatic bone tumors
Clinical observation of radiotherapy combined with zoledronic acid in the treatment of metastatic bone tumors.
StyleDry red, mediumbodied, black currant, plum and dried date flavors.
风格干红, 中度酒体, 黑醋栗, 李子与干枣气味。
damping is viscous damping. On this basis, mechanical model of doubledrum shearer is established.
在此基础上, 建立了双滚筒采煤机整机的力学模型。
In school, I teach students to play jazz drums, kettledrums, xylophone and so on.
在学校, 我教的学生打爵士鼓, 铜鼓, 木琴等。
Severe oedema caused by amlodipine and nifedipine controlledrelease tablets in an elderly patient
Wonderful Kettledrum of the Remote Past
A person who plays the kettledrums.

单词 Ledr 释义

  • 单词释义:light-emitting diode, red 红(光)发光二极管  [更多..]



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