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单词 Leia 例句大全,用单词Leia造句:

How's princess Leia?
And sacrifice Han and Leia ?
There, he attempted to seduce Leia.
在那里, 他企图引诱莱亚。
Oh, Princess Leia, are you all right
莉亚公主, 你还好吧
Leia felt her emotional barriers shaking.
There, Luke discovered that Leia was also held captive.
在太空站上, 卢克发现莱娅也被捕了。
Princess Leia was one of the commanding members of Echo Base.
The young girl, Leia, was taken to Viceroy Bail Organa of Alderaan.
Leia looked at the water for a moment then drank it down gratefully.
莱亚盯着水盯了一会, 然后感激地喝了下去。
Prince Isolder proposed to Princess Leia in the largest possible way.
Leia followed in her adoptive father's footsteps, and entered politics.
莱娅追随着她养父的脚步, 投身政治。
As Leia became a fixture in New Republic politics, Winter was by her side.
莱娅成为新共和国政坛的固定角色后, 温特一直跟在她身边。
Princess Leia, before your execution I would like you to be my guest at a ceremony
莉亚公主, 在你被执刑之前, 我想请你
This time he came back with a wad of tissue and a damp cloth, handing them to Leia.
这次他带回来一些面巾纸和一块湿布, 递给莱亚。
Leia fell asleep almost instantly and Anakin carefully made his way back to the table.
Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, and Dash Rendar infiltrated Xizor's palace to rescue Leia.
The pain and anguish of that loss echoed through the Force, crippling Leia with despair.
During the time of the Empire, Alderaans representative in the Senate was Princess Leia Organa.
Leia became one of the foremost leaders of the New Republic, eventually serving as Chief of State.

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