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单词 back down 例句大全,用单词back down造句:

The same fund flows that can drive a price up can push it back down again.
Remove through access port with back of clapper first with spring end down.
And once they belong to the ants that work outside, they never go back down.
As they fell back down the valley, an army of refugees fell back before them.
当他们沿着山谷撤退时, 他们前面有一大队难民正在溃逃。
Open the back cover and push down the release pin on the back cover to remove.
Lydia looked back down at the piece she had been reading in the local gazette.
John agreed that it was probably better to back down than to risk getting shot.
Go back down to the pier and click on the boat. See that the boat was scuttled.
回到码头点击小船, 发现小船被凿沉。
I sat back down at my desk, dazed for a moment, and then realized I was shaking.
Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway.
A Farmer from Albany shall take their place, and down his back a Snake shall hang.
一位奥尔巴尼的农夫会代替它们, 他身后的蛇会悬挂。
Afterwards, we strolled back, put the kettle on and settled down with the newspapers.
Once the kids are asleep, slip on that sexy blue thing and then sneak back down here.
The following day, watched by Miss Roscommon, she moved back down the hill to the cottage.
An acre of trees, planted in a desert, could pull two to three tons of that carbon back down.
如果在沙漠中种植一英亩的树, 就能吸收两到三吨的碳。
Snap the front panels back down after a crash and you are ready to take on the next challenge.
Must wash their hands before fetch water, left water in containers can not back down the well.
Maintaining a calm, level tone of voice, simply apologise, confess your mistake, and back down.
保持冷静平和的语调, 简单地道歉, 承认自己的错误, 然后退让。
Six people decided to walk back down the mountain,but the rest of the party used the funicular.
Lower book cover down onto adhesive end sheet.Press back cover down on book.Alignment is assured.
She catches her breath and lies back down on the bed, her hand resting protectively on her abdomen.
她吸了口气又躺了下来, 他的手保护性的放在腹部。
Push the shoulder to air for a quicker breath, and rotate the head back down to center prior to the body.
推肩的空气, 呼吸加快, 并旋转头回落到中心前体。
On your way back down the river, you 're sure to spot many proboscis monkeys clinging to the trees that line the river.
The sciatic nerve is actually a cluster of nerves that run from the lower back in the buttock area down the back of the leg.
Then he went back down into the candy store after having first burned the bet sheet and flushed its ashes down the toilet bowl.
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单词 back down 释义

  • 单词释义:退让,退回去,撤销(要求等)  [更多..]



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