Pause at the back of the back swing.
Then pendulum will begin to swing back.
Swing the club back until it is horizontal.
Keeping your back straight, swing one leg backwards.
A Probe into the Skill of Arm Swing in Back Style High Jump
He sweeps his arms down, back, and out in a pendulum swing.
To swing back and forth with a steady, uninterrupted rhythm.
持续周期性地摆动以稳定的, 不间断的节奏来回摇摆
When you first begin rappelling you may swing back and forth.
The corpse drew the pick back over its head for another swing.
僵尸将镐头缓缓举起, 一直拉到脑后, 准备发动第二次挥击。
among investors seems to swing back and forth like a pendulum.
Using alternate forward and back motions the child began to swing.
No fixed den, eating, walking, HI alone, everywhere swing back and forth.
无固定巢穴, 边走边吃, 喜单独活动, 四处悠荡。
To swing back the arm and raise the foot in preparation pitching the ball.
例如在棒球运动中, 给胳膊定调做一个预备的旋转。
In the face of an irresistible trend, they had no choice but to swing back.
大势所趋, 不摇过来不行。
Did it take a bit of time to get back into the swing of playing matches again
But you can definitely get back in the swing of things over the next couple of days.
The soldiers are fighting in full swing, so we must take this opportunity to fight back.
士兵们正打得热火朝天, 我们应当借势反击。
Analysis of influencial factor of the swing skill for the sports performance of back style
Everyone understood how hard it was to get back into the swing of things after such a long absence.
The utility model is composed of a front swing arm, a torsion bar, a back swing arm, a coil spring, etc.
I stopped faster than I thought I would and nearly fell over, I grabbed the side of the swing set and spun around to face the back pasture.
于是相反他捡起一把晨星, 晃了晃它然后又丢下了它。
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