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单词 auction sale 例句大全,用单词auction sale造句:

To offer an item for sale at an auction.
The sale is a big coup for the auction house.
Don't miss out as Auction Day is definitely SALE DAY!
To come under the hammer means to go on sale at an auction.
I picked up a bargain at an auction sale here last weekend.
He will expose his old furniture for sale at public auction.
Tuesday's sale price included the auction house's commission.
Fixed Price Auction is really not an auction at allrather an item for sale.
不需经过出价, 即以固定价格出售物品。
A previously unknown letter of Einstein's recently came up for sale at auction.
Mr. McLeod said the Auction Spectacular offers many advantages over a private treaty sale.
except that the civil aircraft was the subject of a forced auction sale in accordance with law.
However, this weeks auction only managed to sell about twothirds of the 20, 000 tonne planned sale.
然而, 本周的拍卖仅售出了2万吨计划销量的三分之二。
The sale prices all exceeded Bonhams'presale estimates and included the auction house's commission.
售出价格全都超过宝龙的预估, 并包含拍卖公司的佣金。
Remember, all ratings and feedback should be given within 60 days from the close of auction or sale.
A large number of vintage cars were put up for sale at auction Monterey Sports and Classic Car Auction.
To sell to the person who make the highest offer an offer to pay a certain price at a sale, exp at an auction
拍卖, 卖给发价最高的人
To sell to the person who make the highest offer an offer to pay a certain price at a sale, exp at an auction.
By marketing the snuff bottles online, the auction house would seriously reduce the costs associated with the sale.
If the money obtained from the auction sale of building property is insufficient to make repayment, the mortgagee shall have the right otherwise to make a claim.
拍卖房产所得价款如不敷偿还, 承押人有权另行追索。
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单词 auction sale 释义



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