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单词 attain to 例句大全,用单词attain to造句:

The application might attain sufficient concurrence to achieve its objectives.
Whenever you have an aim you must sacrifice something of freedom to attain it.
They are seeking to attain the most advanced technological levels in the world.
Most do violence to their natural aptitude and thus attain superiority in nothing.
大多数人则自暴自弃, 结果一事无成。
If you want to help parents escape Samsara, you have to attain enlightenment first.
如果您想帮助双亲解脱轮回, 那您必需先达到证悟!
31 but that Israel, who pursued the law of righteousness, did not attain to that law
以色列人追求使人成义的法律, 却没有得到这种法律。
Less than a nanosecond to attain it, a lifetime of passionate pursuit to maintain it.
The imnportant thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it
New administrative measures are perceived as means to attain efficiency and effectiveness.
This level of analysis is tricky because the data are easy to attain but hard to interpret.
We have still a long way to go before we can attain to a certain proficiency in the subject.
The country is likely to attain an energy surplus, due to the exploitation of shale reserves.
I intend to invest the time and effort needed to attain that objective before the end of the year.
Not to do things to lay a solid foundation, great cause difficult to attain the highest level in one step.
Only the bravest and smartest of the Fallen attain the coveted training required to rise to the position of Shaman.
Hands button aegis be applicable to the old pressure machine to refit, but attain the safety to produce the request
Her own daughter, from the slowness of her mind, was not able to attain to that perfection wherein Marina excelled.
她自己的女儿很迟钝, 总不能做到像玛丽娜那样十全十美。
Therefore, to attain the greatest accomplishment, it is utmost important to relinquish all the desires and cravings.
The gods are not to be feared. Death is nothing to worry about. Good is easy to attain. The fearful is easy to endure.
A person who is unfilial to his parents and disrespectful to his elders cannot possibly attain blessings and protection.
The classroom teaching needs to as far as possible attain to make an information in common smooth fluxion inside the body.
To attain proficiency in the dual aspects of mental and physical discipline takes a high degree of devotion and dedication.
A magician, a practitioner of magic, who has the ability to attain objectives, acquire knowledge, using supernatural or nonrational means.
We are looking forward to establishing partnership with any customers across the world in a bid to attain mutual development and shared achievements.
The doctrine of the Great learning is to enlighten the brilliant virtue, to make intimate association with people, and to strive to attain the highest accomplishment.
大学之道在明明德, 在亲民, 在止于至善。
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单词 attain to 释义

  • 单词释义:<正>达到, 获致  [更多..]



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