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单词 attack angle 例句大全,用单词attack angle造句:

In addition, the motion of aircraft carrier has some important effects on maximum sinking and angle of attack.
The Lagrangian boundary layer equation and the unsteady separation of the elliptic cylinder at angle of attack
On the Sensitivity of Aircraft Longitudinal Flying Qualities to Aerodynamic Derivatives at High Angle of Attack
The yawing can apparently attenuate the angular displacement of both the tail and the attack angle of tail fin.
Boundary Element Analysis on the Flow Field and Pressure Field of Flow around Cascades with Small Angle of Attack
Influence of Low Angle of Attack on the Flowfield Characteristics of an Axisymmetric Parachute in Terminal Descent.
Numerical investigation of separation vortex characteristics in compressor cascade with large positive attack angle
A measurement technique for derivatives of aircraft due to acceleration in heave and sideslip at high angle of attack
Firstly, the steady laminar flow field of a hypersonic sharp cone boundary layer with zero angle of attack was computed.
ANGLE OF ATTACK, The angle of the wing chord in relation to the free stream airflow as it moves forward through the air.
迎角, 机翼翼弦在空气中向前运动时与自由气流之间的夹角。
Measurements of lateral aerodynamics characteristics of forebodies at high angle of attack in subsonic and transonic flows
The Study on the Large Angle of Attack Scanning Characteristic of Asymmetric Terminal Sensing Submunition and Its Application
The value of the misalignment angle is small, and it's negative at a small attack angle and positive at a large attack angle.
Investigation of characteristics of asymmetry flows and control of acoustic excitation on a slender revolutionary body at high angle of attack
英文例句大全为您提供attack angle英文例句大全,attack angle英文造句,关于attack angle的英语句子,单词attack angle怎么造句,attack angle英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于attack angle,英语单词attack angle的句子,单词attack angle如何造句,attack angle怎么造句等。

单词 attack angle 释义

  • 单词释义:攻角,迎角,冲角  [更多..]



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