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单词 attack of 例句大全,用单词attack of造句:

Comparison Research of Acupuncture Protocols on Acute Attack of Female Migraine of Shaoyang Meridians
Promoting the Administering Struggle of Severe Attack with the Spirit of Advancing along with the Time
Prognosis and analysis of the characteristics of angina attack in patients with variant angina pectoris
Acting to discontinue a military attack on the occurrence of any of a variety of predetermined conditions.
What can clavicular fracture affect? Is the cut that make sb the first aim of attack makes an operation big?
Sight of Love Once a battle this creature seduce an enemy unit, making it to attack itself with twice power.
爱的目光每场战斗一次, 使目标以双倍的力量攻击目标自身。
Glass. Resistance to attack by a boiling aqueous solution of mixed alkali. Method of test and classification.
In addition, the motion of aircraft carrier has some important effects on maximum sinking and angle of attack.
On the Sensitivity of Aircraft Longitudinal Flying Qualities to Aerodynamic Derivatives at High Angle of Attack
On another day we wake up to the news of the murder of the American ambassador and the attack on the consulate.
另一天我们看到 谋杀美国大使和袭击美国领事馆的新闻。
An acropolis is an ancient Greek citadel, situated on an area of high ground in order to protect it from attack.
雅典卫城是古希腊的要塞, 为了免受攻击, 它建造在高地上。
A measurement technique for derivatives of aircraft due to acceleration in heave and sideslip at high angle of attack
Numerical Solution of the Euler Equations for the Transonic Flow about the Complete Aircraft at High Angles of Attack
ANGLE OF ATTACK, The angle of the wing chord in relation to the free stream airflow as it moves forward through the air.
迎角, 机翼翼弦在空气中向前运动时与自由气流之间的夹角。
The rising of birds in their flight is the sign of an ambuscade. Startled beasts indicate that a sudden attack is coming.
Measurements of lateral aerodynamics characteristics of forebodies at high angle of attack in subsonic and transonic flows
Clinical Report of 38 Cases of Gouty Arthritis Acute Attack Treated by Softening the Hard Lumps and Dispel the Nods Therapy
abstract Objective To observe the effect of preventing the acute attack of chronic bronchitis by auricular plaster therapy.
Primal research of the effect of flow turbulence on aerodynamic characteristics of a aircraft model at high angles of attack
The value of the misalignment angle is small, and it's negative at a small attack angle and positive at a large attack angle.
Investigation of characteristics of asymmetry flows and control of acoustic excitation on a slender revolutionary body at high angle of attack
Hence those who use fire as an aid to the attack show intelligence; those who use water as an aid to the attack gain an accession of strength.
To ensure that your whole host may withstand the brunt of the enemys attack and remain unshaken this is affected by maneuvers direct and indirect.
According to a study in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), recognizing the less common signs of a heart attack could save your life or that of someone you love.
He hears from another member of the group that the nearest town is already alive with rumors that the Republicans are about to attack and that the Fascists have strengthened the guard on the bridge.
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